[caption id="attachment_39" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="View of the Mount of Olives and the Kidron Valley"][/caption]
Even just a cursory brief speed-read of Marks Gospel will show us that it is a gospel packed with movement and activity. Throughout this gospel account we can see the Saviour travelling throughout the land being found in many different locations. Here we consider just a few of these as we consider the wonderful person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the Jordan - Mark 1:9-11
Here at the outset of both the gospel and the earthly ministry of the Saviour we see the Lord Jesus being baptised in the Jordan, fulfilling all righteousness as Matthews account will tell us. It is at this point that the heavens are opened and the voice of the Father proclaims "thou art my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased". What appreciation and love the Father had for the son! This was the Fathers estimation of his son, being publicly displayed. Of course man was to show his estimation later when they "set him at naught..."
In the solitary place - Mark 1:35
"And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed."
It is interesting to see the times when the Saviour was alone - in the wilderness being tested of Satan, when the disciples were in the storm on the Sea of Galilee "and he alone on the land" and of course this occasion in the very first chapter of the gospel. It never ceases to amaze me to think of the Saviours perfect prayer life, his desire to be with Father alone in prayer, he who could say "I and my Father are one" and the one who "thought it not robbery to be equal with God". He was "God manifest in flesh" but he would start the day spending time alone with God in prayer. When I think of my own feeble prayer life this is surely a challenge to me! How much more should I a sinner saved by grace but plagued by the flesh need to spend time in fellowship with God in prayer!
Into his own country - Mark 6:1
Next we see the Lord Jesus coming into his own country, entering the synagogue and teaching the people. We read the passage and see that they said "From whence hath this man these things?... Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary... and they were offended at him." We remember that when the Lord Jesus came unto his own, his own received him not. And again the prophet would say that he was despised and rejected of men... He had not come to be popular, an idea that is foreign to mankind as we seek acceptance and conformity, we like to be popular!
In the way - Mark 10:34
"And they were in the way going up to Jerusalem..." Here the Saviour sets his face steadfastly to go to Jerusalem where he would be taken and crucified. He begins to tell the disciples what will happen to him, and here is an amazing thing that the Lord knew all that men would do to him, and the terrible judgement he would bear for the sins of the world, yet he was ever "in the way", ever pressing on in the pathway that was laid out for him. As we read further down this passage we see that it is while he was in the way on that road to Jerusalem coming out of Jericho that he meets Blind Bartimaeus who of course went on to follow Jesus in the way. How touching to realise that the only time we read of the Saviour actually standing still is found here in Marks Gospel, the gospel of ceaseless activity and service! And what was it that caused this unique occasion? Why it was a blind beggar in the dust of the road! We think of our own position as sinners saved by grace and surely it stirs up our heart to thanks and praise to God for his grace in saving us.
In the press - Mark 5:25-34
The Saviour was sometimes by himself, sometime with just a few and of course very often with the multitudes. On this occasion it must have been particularly bad as "much people thronged him". Here we see the incident concerning the woman with the issue of blood who came to him in absolute faith in the healing power of Christ. Her faith of course was rewarded with instant blessing as she was healed immediately. What grace and compassion the Saviour demonstrates here, and how tenderly he deals with that woman! Notice that the woman was healed and could have gone on her way without ever actually meeting the Saviour, but I love to see that the Lord Jesus sought her out and had personal dealings with her, giving her those lovely words; "daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole, go in peace" What comfort those words must have brought to that woman!
There are many other examples we could include here but the purpose of this post is just to expand on a few by way of devotional thinking, to warm our hearts towards Christ and give thanks for him on this another Lords Day.
Yours in Christ,
My personal blog where I share simple thoughts about the Word of God and the Lord Jesus Christ with like-minded believers. Hopefully this site will be interesting and encouraging to other Christians across the world!
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Start spreading the news...
Please tell other Christian friends about the believers blog and spread the word!
We want to see as many believers as possible accessing the site, linking to the RSS feed and encouraging others to take a look at our little blog.
As well as this we would love to see your comments on the posts and your emails through the Contact us form, as it is great to know that believers are viewing the blog, reading the posts and enjoying the site in general.
We will be doing a giveaway very soon to encourage participation so watch this space!
In the meantime we hope yoiu enjoy the posts.
Yours in Christ,
Friday, 28 January 2011
First words...
A couple of days ago we spoke about the first words of the Lord Jesus in Marks Gospel and that comparing the gospels in this way is an interesting study.
It is certainly nice to contemplate this subject on a Lords Day morning in preparation for worship and remembrance, but you can also build and expand upon these references and make a nice short teaching session that will hopefully benefit yourself and others as you study the Word of God. Lets look at these four references in turn:
- Matthew: "suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness" These words demonstrate to us that right at the outset of the Lord's earthly ministry he was concerned with and driven by fulfilling his Father's will and doing all those things that brought pleasure and glory to God.
- Mark: "...repent ye and believe the gospel". Such clear instruction from the mouth of the Saviour (we should always remember our gospel preaching should be simple and clear), this really is the gospel 'in a nutshell' - repent, and believe!
- Luke: "wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?". The first words in the Saviours life as a boy of 12 - what a wonder that the eternal Son of God should ever be a boy of 12! This verse shows us the purpose for which he came, this was ever in the heart of the Saviour. There was a work to be done, a path to be trodden, one that would ultimately take him to Calvary...
- John: "what seek ye?... come and see". Here the Lord's first recorded words are a question followed by an invitation. Of course the Saviour never needed to ask any questions for he knew all the answers, but he asks that he might challenge our hearts. We might ask ourselves, what are we looking for? What are our lives about? Are we searching after the things of God? The Saviour's invitation is touching - "come and see". This can be used in a gospel application of course but I also apply it to our lives as believers, as the Lord freely invites us to learn more of Him and to have fellowship and live close to Him. Lots of things can distract us and interfere with the closeness of our fellowship with Christ, let us seek to maintain a close walk with God!
So there we are, just a few thoughts on these first words of our Lord Jesus as recorded in the four gospels, I trust that our hearts are warmed towards our Saviour and that we might be encouraged to further study and build upon these thoughts. Please feel free to leave a comment, they are appreciated.
Yours in Christ,
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Marks Gospel, it's beginning and end...
[caption id="attachment_33" align="aligncenter" width="259" caption="Sunset over the Sea of Galilee"][/caption]
I sometimes find that a good way of looking at a book (and in particular a gospel) is to look at how it begins and ends. Very often by looking at the two 'bookends' you can pick up a good idea of the tenor of the book.
In the case of Marks gospel it begins with a strong evangelical flavour:
"the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ..."
This was the beginning of the story of good news concerning Christ! Here was Gods salvation being revealed to the world.
The gospel also ends with a re-emphasis on the spread of the gospel:
"go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature..."
Marks gospel is certainly focussed on reaching out to the world with the message of the gospel.
As you read through the gospel, you can certainly see the many ways in which the Saviour reached out to the people of his day, touching their lives and blessing them in ways in which they could never have imagined!
It is also an interesting study to look at the first words of the Saviour in the gospels as well. It may be of no surprise to note given what we have said about Mark's Gospel that the first words of the Saviour are gospel orientated: "...repent ye and believe the gospel."
A personal application can be drawn from these simple observations and that is that our lives like Marks gospel should be evangelical through and through! We should live our lives in the light of the gospel and it's claims, to reach out and tell others of the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Time is short, and only what is done for Christ will last!
Every blessing,
More twittering...
Dear all, I have now added a link to our Twitter account on the right under 'Follow us on Twitter'
Hopefully this will make it all easier!
Hopefully this will make it all easier!
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Starting to read Mark's Gospel...
I have started a short study of Marks Gospel recently and I have been looking at how Mark's Gospel differs from the other three.
I am sure that most believers will appreciate that Matthew presents to us Christ as the King, Mark presents to us the Perfect Servant, Luke the Perfect Man, and John of course presents him as the Son of God.
Apart from these traditional comparisons there are stylist cues in the way these gospels are written that have led me to also compare the gospels in the following way which I present for your consideration:
- Matthew - is written as a book, it has a very definite beginning which starts with the birth of the Lord Jesus, a middle where his life's work is recorded, and an end which concludes with his death, burial and resurrection. The book begins; "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ"
- Mark - I like to think of as a newspaper, full of fast-paced action and events. This gospel focuses on the miracles (17 miracles recorded) and actions of the Saviour as opposed to his teaching or parables (only 3 recorded). The book begins "the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God" and gospel of course means good news!
- Luke - Is written more of a letter, as it is written as a personal account written for a friend as the beginning of the gospel will testify: "to write unto thee in order, most excellent Theophilus, that thou mightest know the certainty of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed"
- John - Is written as a record. It records the earthly ministry and work of the Son of God, as the end of the book shows: "But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God... this is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things; and we know that his testimony is true."
There are many interesting ways of looking at the gospel records, I hope these simple thoughts stimulate your further study of the gospels and looking for your own comparisons of these four lovely accounts of the life and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Please add your comments and suggestions for this post!
Yours in Christ,
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Twitter Connect Complete!
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Yours in Christ,
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Yours in Christ,
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Monday, 24 January 2011
thebelieversblog is now on Twitter!
You can now find us on Twitter:
It's just thebelieversblog but without the vowels! I am in the process of setting up a Twitter Connect for the site.
Yours in Christ,
It's just thebelieversblog but without the vowels! I am in the process of setting up a Twitter Connect for the site.
Yours in Christ,
Sunday, 23 January 2011
Page additions...
Dear fellow believers,
Today I have added a Contact page, an About page and a page called 'What I believe'.
I hope these additions are useful and interesting. Stay posted as there will be more pages added and the website will be customised as the site has not had any other changes to the standard template!
Yours in Christ,
Today I have added a Contact page, an About page and a page called 'What I believe'.
I hope these additions are useful and interesting. Stay posted as there will be more pages added and the website will be customised as the site has not had any other changes to the standard template!
Yours in Christ,
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Hello fellow believers!
Welcome to thebelieversblog.org.
The website has only just been created, please bear with me while I customize it and post my first serious blog entry.
Yours in Christ,
The website has only just been created, please bear with me while I customize it and post my first serious blog entry.
Yours in Christ,
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1 Kings 19: Elijah and God
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