"Father into thy hands I commend my spirit"
Thinking about all the things that were said at the foot of the cross I would like to contrast this with that other shameful comment of the Chief Priests and Scribes;
"He trusted in God, let him deliver him now, if he will have him, for he said I am the Son of God"
The sheer mocking and scorn of their unbelief! "He said I am the Son of God..." This for them was victory and proof that they were right, for how could God allow his son to be treated so, and put to death? It was the affirmation that he was the Christ the Son of God that had caused outrage before the High Priest remember, so this was now what they spat back at the Saviour now he was on the cross where they had wanted him all along. "for he said I am the Son of God" - Now we turn to our final saying, and how appropriate it is, considering the scornful language at the foot of his cross! Having endured the judgement for sin, abandoned by God he now speaks for the final time; "Father..." How significant, and how lovely to see that despite the mocking and hatred of men around him he can lift his gaze once again heavenwards and address the Father!
They said "if he will have him..." they didn't think God would accept him at all, this worthless blasphemer from Galilee! Why would God have him at all? What does the Saviour say? "...into thy hands I commend my spirit" How lovely to see that the Saviour gave his spirit into the tender care of his Father - of course he was accepted! He was the perfect servant, in whom God's soul delighted.
The work which the Father had given him to do was finished and perfectly complete! He had glorified God on the earth, and on the third day he rose bodily from the dead and ascended to God's right hand, the very place from where he had come - "sit thou at my right hand..."
What an answer to the world! How triumphant are those final words of the Saviour, as he completed Calvary's work. How our hearts should respond to our Lord Jesus Christ! The world's estimation is still the same today, even more reason for us to worship him and serve him with greater zeal and fervour!
I trust that our short and simple study comparing the statements of the Lord's from the cross and those from the foot of the cross will have been beneficial and of blessing to all.
Yours in Christ, Mark