Monday, 16 July 2018

Announcing Burton Bibles!

Hi guys, just a quick post to let you know that something I have been working on for the past few weeks has now gone live! After years of frustration at not being able to find decent Bible shops in the UK I have decided to set up my own, yikes! 

In partnership with Cambridge University Press I have set up a webshop and I have also launched an accompanying YouTube channel with Bible overviews and other useful Bible related content, as well as an Instagram account with lots of lovely Bible pictures and overviews which can be found here

It is early days but I'm hoping that I can help fellow believers find their next lovely Bible that they will treasure, read and study, but moreover a Bible that is RIGHT for them in terms of size, print and binding.

Please give the channels and site a look, and I will appreciate your support and prayers over the coming months as we get things going.

Yours in Christ,


1 Kings 19: Elijah and God

I was listening to a podcast the other day which was speaking about 1 Kings 19 and it reminded me of how very relevant this passage is to ou...