1. The man of the Gadarenes (v1-20)
The first character that we meet in this chapter is the man of Gadara who was possessed by the demon Legion, "for we are many". Just look at the response of men to this man's problem: they had ostracised him and separated him from society, banishing him to the catacombs and graveyards (places of death) of the region. As far as they were concerned his life was indeed over and this was the best place for him where he couldn't bother them. Notice that they bound him with chains and fetters, they offered him nothing but bondage and frustration! Then we see the Lord Jesus come in and he commands the evil spirits to come out of him and they do so, obeying the authoritative voice of the Son of God. Observe the transformation in this man's life, he gained 3 things he had not had in his previous life - he is found sitting (at rest and at peace), clothed (dignity and self respect) and in his right mind (self control, his mind was his own).
[caption id="attachment_118" align="alignright" width="300" caption="A view of the hill country of Gadara, note the slopes towards the Sea of Galilee"]
What a complete change from the wild, uncontrollable man that was before! I like the parting touch of the Saviour; "go home to thy friends" I find it lovely that the Saviour knew that this man once had a life and had friends, but they had long left the scene, for this man had led such a lonely and solitary existence. His mission now however was to return to his friends and tell them all about the one who had turned his life around! Just like this man, we too have been liberated from the power and bondage of sin, taken from the place of death and given new life, new appetites and desires. Again like this man our mission field should start with our own friends and family - do they know what great things the Lord has done for us?
2. The woman with the issue of blood (v24 - 34)
The chapter moves on quickly, for this is the gospel of activity and action! We are soon introduced to a woman who has suffered with an ailment for 12 whole years. The scriptures tell us that she had "suffered many things" at the hands of many and various doctors. One can only imagine the horrendous remedies and treatments they had subjected her to, medicine back then not being what it is today! Just look at what they had taken from her, they had taken every last penny from her, and what was the return on her investment? Absolutely nothing, she was no better off than when they had started. But what a lovely comparison we have as we look at the effect that the Saviour had upon her life - a complete and perfect cure! "straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up" Nevermore would she be plagued by her ailment, the Lord confirm it to her in person. So we ask ourselves the question - what was her investment in the Lord Jesus? What was the cost to her? A simple touch of the hem of his garment! This is all the Saviour requires to transform and bless lives today, for us to reach out in faith and he will do the rest. As believers we can apply this principle to ourselves - we can invest all our time and resources into the systems of the world and we will come out of it with nothing (at least spiritually), just like this woman! Men will take and take for as long as we are willing to give whereas with Christ the opposite is true with spiritual things - he will give and give more as long as we are willing to receive in terms of spiritual wisdom and development. We can see this principle in the previous chapter: "...with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given. For he that hath, to him shall be given...
3. Jairus' daughter (v35-43)
Here we have a final example of the stark difference in the response of man to the glorious response of the Lord Jesus to a certain situation. We see that a tragedy had occurred - the little girl had died and all was lost, or so the people thought! Look at their lack of faith as they break the news to Jairus: "Thy daughter is dead: why troublest thou the Master any further?" As far as they were concerned all hope was lost, a thought further reinforced by the scene that met them at the house - the place had been invaded by mourners, wailing dramatically and bemoaning the death of the little one. How negative and unhelpful! All they could offer was misery and despair. They had no faith that there was one in their midst who was the Resurrection and the Life, the one who upholds all things by the word of his power! They further miscalculated the person of the Lord Jesus in their mocking when he said "she sleepeth" - to him raising this little girl from the dead was just like awakening her from sleep! When the world thinks our situation is lost, when they pour scorn on our beliefs and our Lord and Saviour we should remember that all things are simple and possible with God!
We can apply this to the future for the believer - even if we pass through physical death. Here is a situation that the world would could hopeless, they would say that this is the end of the story, the final destination is the grave! But praise the Lord that death is not the end for the believer, our soul is received into heaven and the Lord will one day raise the body as well! And what will be the energising catalyst for this great resurrection? The same as it was 2000 years ago - his voice!
"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout... and the dead in Christ shall rise first"
Yours in Christ,
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