Today we are stepping away from Marks Gospel to think briefly about a lovely scripture in 1 Peter 5:7 that has been on my heart recently. We live in a stressful world where it is all too easy to be beset by anxiety and worry which can rob us of our Christian joy and our enjoyment of the things of God.
"casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you"
Before we look at the 2 words in the title a quick point about the first word here - casting. The word implies " to cast upon" so not simply to cast away but to actually cast it upon something or in this case someone. The same word is used in Luke 19 where they cast their garments upon the colt for the Lord to sit upon. It's easy to cast away our care sometimes, and we temporarily forget our worries but before too long they return with a vengeance. We are encouraged to cast our burden of worry and care upon the Saviour, he bore our burden of sin upon Calvary's cross and he continues to bear our daily burdens as our Lord and Saviour!
The word care in our verse is a Greek word that means 'anxiety' or worry. The word care in our modern speak doesn't really convey this meaning, but I am sure we are all familiar with worry, anxiety and stress in our lives today! The Lord used the same word in relation to Martha in Luke 10:41 along with the word 'troubled' which means to disturb or agitate and this is what worry can do to our minds, it can paralyse us spiritually as our minds our agitated and crowded with other things. Martha had many good qualities but she was a worrier and this caused her to pick fault in others and also crucially to mis-judge the character of the Lord Jesus which was spoiling her enjoyment of the Lord.
Finally we come to the word careth which does not now have anything to do with anxiety or worry! It means that something is an object of care, concern, of forethought and interest. What a wonderful word to describe the Saviours attitude toward us! The same word is used by the disciples on the sea of Galilee in Mark 4 when during the storm they would cry to the Lord "carest thou not that we perish?" The implication was therefore, "is this not of interest to you?" Of course the Saviour was interested in the experiences of his people! He is not anxious or worried like we are however, as he knows all things, he is in control of all things and knows all outcomes. This may mean that we are called to pass through stormy times but the encouragement is found in bringing our care and worry to the Lord and leaving it in his gracious and mighty hands.
I think Peter perhaps recalled his experience in the storm and what they had said to the Saviour when he now pens these words; "...for he careth for you" Peter had realised this for himself and he would never again doubt it! Let us all experience the loving-kindness and care of the Saviour in our day to day lives as we cast our care upon him.
We trust these simple thoughts will be of mutual encouragement and blessing to us all as we serve him together.
Yours in Christ,
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