"And he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was subject unto them" Luke 2:51
We start here, at the beginning! This verse describes the Lord Jesus as a young boy going down with his parents to Nazareth, the place where he would live until the commencement of his public ministry when he would move to Capernaum (Matt 4:13). The verse struck me as it states that the Lord Jesus was "subject unto them", that is his parents. What a marvel that the Lord Jesus should be subject to anybody! Here was the very Lord of Earth and Heaven, the one who had created all things, and who upholds all things by the word of his power and here he is being subject to the creatures of his hand! The word means "to obey" and carries with it a sense of humility and meekness. What a lovely thought that the Lord Jesus should come into this world and be found as a young boy being obedient to his parents! How this must have stood out to the world, that here was a young boy who was perfectly obedient to his parents - how unusual! Of course we know that it was evidence of his sinless, perfect humanity - he could not sin, but it is lovely that the Word of God records that he was willing to take that lowly place there in that town of Nazareth.
"We saw thee not when thou didst come
to this poor world of sin and death,
nor e'er beheld thy cottage home
in that despised Nazareth;
but we believe thy footsteps trod
its streets and plains, thou Son of God!"
"can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?" John 1:46
Of course Nazareth did not have a god reputation amongst the people of the
[caption id="attachment_108" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="A view over Nazareth today"]
day, particularly devout Jews such as Nathaniel! Remember that Nazareth was a town that was in the district of "Galilee of the Gentiles" (Matt 4:15 or "Galilee of the nations" in Isaiah ch 9), so-called as there was a high mix of Gentiles with Jews in that area, and of course this caused it to be despised by the Jews. You can almost hear the scorn and disgust in Nathaniel's voice, but just moments later he was going to declare the one from Nazareth to be the very Son of God! Nathaniel had questioned whether "any good" could come come out of Nazareth, and he was to learn that the very best had come out of Nazareth, the greatest person that had ever walked the earth had come out of that despised place called Nazareth! Of course we believe that the Lord Jesus had ultimately come from the Fathers side, but nevertheless he faced opposition because of the earthly place was associated with. Also remember the fierce criticism that Nicodaemus faced when he dared to defend the Lord Jesus? "Art thou also of Galilee? Search, and look: for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet." Such disdain! This would remind us that he was despised and rejected of men, he would come unto his own and his own would not receive him.
"And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth..." Mark 10:47
Of course this reference is from the account of Blind Bartimaeus as he met the Saviour that day in Jericho. The scripture records that Bartimaeus reacted when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth who passed by. The one who the Jews despised because of his claims, his power, his authority and because of his humble background (in earthly terms) - it was this man that brought hope and cheer to the heart of Bartimaeus! It was in Jesus from Nazareth that he saw salvation and a solution - this man could heal him, and he was going to stop at nothing in order to meet him and seize his opportunity! We remember the faith that he showed that day, he believed that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of David, therefore proclaiming him to be the Messiah that should come from the line of David. Of course we remember that the Lord Jesus blessed him with sight that day, and this would remind us of our own experience with the Lord Jesus. We thank God afresh for the day that we met the Saviour! We praise him for that day when we made that step of faith and the man Jesus of Nazareth became so much more than that - he became our Lord and Saviour!
We trust these first few thoughts on this subject will have been of blessing and encouragement to us, and we will look at the last couple another time. Please feel free to make comments or suggestions on this subject or indeed any other, I will be pleased to hear from you.
Yours in Christ, Mark
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