"great love wherewith he loved us" Eph 2:4
Perhaps it should come as no great surprise for us to learn that his love for his people is also described as great. We remember that the scriptures would say; "greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for this friends" John 15:13 We spoke about his love in some detail last week, but we do well to remember that great love once again! No love has been seen like it before or since, and what a marvel to think that we are the subjects of such a great, divine love, vast and immeasurable. It was a love that will neither diminish or wane! It was also a sacrificial love of course, a love that would take him to Calvary to suffer and die for us.
"why lavish love like this, o Lord, on me?thou lovest me!"
"a great stone" Matt 27:60
[caption id="attachment_103" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="An ancient tomb complete with stone, possibly similar to the sepulchre where the Lord was laid"]
Subsequent to the death of the Lord Jesus we remember he was buried in a new tomb, the tomb of Joseph of Arimathaea. We remember that the Pharisees had good memories (seemingly better than the disciples!) for we recall that they approached Pilate concerning security for the tomb: "we remember that that deceiver said... After three days I will rise again" Matt 27:63 Of course Pilate replied giving his consent for an armed guard to be placed around the tomb and his final words on the subject are interesting: "make it as sure as ye can" How futile! They could not stop the Prince of Life from coming forth from the grave! They could not thwart the purposes or promises of God, no matter how 'sure' they made it! The great stone that bore the seal of man lay rolled to one side for all to see, that this Jesus had risen from the dead, just as he said he would.
"He's alive, he's alive, he's alive forevermore,Jesus is risen from the dead!"
"And then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory"
We praise God that the Lord Jesus did rise again and we thank God that he is returning once again to the sky first to take his waiting people home to be with him in heaven - this is what we commonly refer to as the rapture. However it is true that he is also coming for a second time to the earth - this time not in meekness and humility but as a verse states "in power and great glory". This time his purpose will be very different, not now has he come to die on a cross, but this time to resume his dealings with this earth and his people the children of Israel. We remember that this will be to establish his kingdom in what we call the millennial reign of Christ. What a time of peace and blessing this will be for the earth and for the children of Israel, and how sorely it will be needed! How reassuring and comforting to know that God is not yet finished with his people and his earth. Some would tell us that this earth is going to self-destruct in some sort of environmental or biological catastrophe but we know from the Word of God that this cannot happen, as the God still has a plan and God's calendar cannot be determined for him!
We trust that these few simple meditations will be a blessing to us and encourage us in the days in which we live.
Yours in Christ, Mark
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